Here we go again

There's a bit of a double meaning with the title. It's both that I am once more on the road, and that I revisit a previous destination.
So I find myself once again in Edinburgh. The story of how I got here will be todays topic. To which shenanigans I'm up to will be explored in the next days.
Today I set off in the morning to make my way to Vienna International Airport. Doing so proved a bit more demanding on my nerves than I would have liked. In the Iceland Day 1 Post ( I marvelled about the logistics of merging two trains from Innsbruck and Munich into one in Salzburg and the efficiency of having an on time train after the merge.
Today showed the implications of what happens if this logistical dance gets thrown off. In short, the train from Munich was on time but designated to end at Vienna Main station while the Innsbruck portion, subsequently going on to the airport, arrived in Linz about 17 Minutes late and lost some more time along the way, amassing 25 Minutes delay at the terminus.
Since I tend to plan with quite some buffer time there was no immediate risk to the further travel arrangements. It's just that I like having my buffer time and not needing to lean on it too heavily.
Having vented that, after dropping of my bag and going through security, there was still enough time for a relaxed coffee before jetting of to Zurich (uneventfull) and then on to Edinburgh.
While there are direct connections between Vienna and Edinburgh but they are normally expensive as <redacted profanity>.
After a total of 3,5 hours of flying I finally touched down in Edinburgh, grabbed my bag and went to town (it's hard to over-appreciate the marvel that is the Edinburgh Tram). They refer to it as trams, although it's only one line ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .

After a desperately needed shower (Vienna and Zurich Airports both showed outside temperatures around 30 degrees and both places are terrible when it comes to A/C) I find myself in the hotel bar/restaurant waiting for my dinner, having a pint and writing these lines. Cheers!
Details why I am here will follow in due course. Suffice it to say, with what is going on in the city right now, I am seriously considering throwing some of my plans out of the window.